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Radiography Testing (RT)

Your Trusted Partner in Asset Integrity and Maintenance

Trust TechCorr's gamma radiographic method for unparalleled insight into asset condition and performance

Partner with TechCorr for unrivaled expertise and reliability in asset integrity and maintenance. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your project's success.

Radiography Testing (RT)

Radiography Testing (RT) employs X-Ray or Gamma ray sources to scrutinize the internal structure of assets, pinpointing corrosion, thickness variations, voids, cracks, and density changes. With minimal surface preparation required, RT offers exceptional sensitivity to surface and subsurface defects. Whether in the field or laboratory, RT furnishes a permanent inspection record, facilitating comprehensive asset evaluation pre and post-treatment and throughout operational phases.
TechCorr Radiographic Services

What TechCorr Offers for Radiographic Inspections

Radiography is one of the most commonly used NDT techniques, proving both film-based and digital radiographic services.

Conventional Radiography

TechCorr performs inspection with two types of radiation sources: X-ray sources, Gamma ray sources.

Digital Radiography

This technique uses x-ray sensitive plates to capture data during object examination, which is immediately transferred to a computer without the use of an intermediate cassette.

Computed Radiography (Imaging NDT Solutions)

Computed radiography is a digital platform that uses flexible and reusable phosphor imaging plates to capture radiographic images.

Real-time Radiography (RTR)

This digital radiography method is commonly used to detect corrosion in pipelines. The penetrative nature of X-ray radiation makes this technique especially ideal for revealing corrosion under insulation (CUI).


Orbix cloud PACs AI-powered remote radiography platform enables unparalleled oversight, increased operational efficiency, and impactful innovative AI functionality.

Orbix fraud detection module is a human-in-the-loop system that takes the latest in AI and Computer Vision and puts it directly in the hands of inspectors so they can for the first time ever accurately detect the submission of fraudulent x-rays.

Mobile Radiography Testing

Radiographic Testing (RT) is an indispensable non-destructive testing (NDT) technique utilized by TechCorr to assess the integrity of assets, including piping, pipelines, pressure vessels, and storage tanks. Our mobile rig and team of qualified and certified radiographers employs both X-Ray and Gamma ray sources to accurately locate, size, and identify internal and external defects. With extensive industry experience, we ensure strict adherence to safety protocols while delivering high-quality radiographs.

Industrial Application of Gamma Radiology

Industrial Radiography or Radiographic Testing (RT) uses ionizing electromagnetic radiation to view objects in a way that can't be seen otherwise. It is not to be confused with the use of ionizing radiation to change or modify objects; radiography's purpose is strictly for viewing. It is a method of inspecting materials for hidden flaws by using the capability of short wavelength electromagnetic radiation, x-rays and gamma radiation, to penetrate various materials.

The vast majority of radiography concerns the testing and grading of welds on pressurized piping, pressure vessels, high-capacity storage containers, pipelines, and some structural welds. Other tested materials include concrete (locating rebar or conduit), welder's test coupons, machined parts, plate metal, or pipewall (locating anomalies due to corrosion or mechanical damage). Theoretically, industrial radiographers could radiograph any solid, flat material (walls, ceilings, floors, square or rectangular containers) or any hollow cylindrical or spherical object.

Our radiographic services span a wide spectrum, from utilizing 4 MEV units for large and thick castings to portable X-Ray cameras for field weld inspections. Gamma sources range from low-level fluoroscopic units for real-time corrosion surveys to Ir-192, Se-75, and Co-60 sources for weld inspections and thick component examinations. Through precise analysis of radiographic images, we identify changes in material thickness and density, crucial indicators of structural integrity and asset performance.

In many locations in the United States, industrial radiographers are required by governing authorities, i.e., the State in which the testing occurs, to adhere to certain mandatory safety standards that specify such things as the use of certain types of safety equipment and working in pairs. The safety equipment usually includes at least one of four basic items: a radiation survey meter (such as a Geiger/Mueller counter), an alarming dosimeter or rate meter, a gas-charged dosimeter, and a film badge or thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD). <br><br>In Texas, Title 25 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Section §289.255 requires that individuals who use radioactive material or x-ray machines during nondestructive testing activities have an acceptable knowledge of radiation safety practices and principles gained through minimum training requirements, typically a 40 hour radiation safety course, followed by a State mandated examination (follow this link to the Texas Department of State Helath Services Radiation Control Program site for more information:

Streamline Project Success with
Comprehensive Reporting

All inspections and findings are meticulously documented in a comprehensive electronic report. This report includes summarized recommendations, calculations, API checklist items, CAD drawings, and high-quality photos, providing you with clear insights into the condition of your assets.